Follow this essential information on what type of bedding inners you need to turn your bed into the ultimate place for rest and relaxation. Just as the birds spend time meticulously lining their nests with soft down feathers and other insulating bits and pieces, so we should ensure our beds[…]
Introducing Mist to the Signature Collection this summer
Add a splash of refreshing tones to your bedroom. This season, we’ve turned our attention to soft and fresh tones, with the introduction of the Mist colour palette. This colour palette references this life-giving natural phenomenon, with all its delicate shades of green, white and blue, against the natural landscape.[…]
How great quality bedding improves sleep
When it comes to getting a good night’s rest, we should all follow Goldilocks’s example and search until we find the combination of bedding that’s “just right”. From the texture to the type of material, quality bedding is a key ingredient in the recipe for good sleep. Scientists studying how[…]